The word Legacy flashes on the titatron. The crowd is going wild. The lights are flashing red, yellow, and orange. Legacy theme song starts to play.

You're time is done, I'm moving in
I've come to fight or lose, so go ahead and try me
You know I've just begun, just begun

The screen is now showing the whole roster of the NLWF.

You've never seen a fight like this before
(Like this before)
I take you down and leave you there wanting more
You've crossed the line that I cannot ignore
(Cannot ignore)
You've never seen a fight like this before

Then the words "Where was rossi at the draft" appear. Then it quickly goes to a video of Rossi waiting in line eaiting a mustard covered hot dog.

Feel the pain, I bring down on you
You won't deny my will, cause what I start I will follow through
Craving all that I can see
Making something out of me

Then a picture of Justin Kash drops down in front of the titatron. It has him with his arms up. Then from one hand to the other hand it says Legacy.

You've never seen a fight like this before
(Like this before)
I take you down and leave you there wanting more
You've crossed the line that I cannot ignore
(Cannot ignore)
You've never seen a fight like this before

You've never seen a fight like this before
(Like this before)
I take you down and leave you there wanting more
You've crossed the line that I cannot ignore
(Cannot ignore)
You've never seen a fight like this before

Pyro goes off as the song ends. fireworks shoot off straight up into the air from the stage. Fire comes out of the ring posts. The lights flicker from red, yellow, and orange. Pyro then sprinkles down like a waterfall across the whole arena.

Tommy Matthews: Welcome everybody do the first ever NLWF Legacy! I'm Tommy Matthews and I'm here with my brodcasting partner Andrew Bliss!

Andrew Bliss: Your damn right! Tonight we have a speacial match. A rumble including the whole roster! All fighting for one thing. The Universal Heavyweight Championship title!

Tommy Matthews: Yeah but do you honestly think that this one match could last a 2 hour show?

Andrew Bliss: We'll just have to see now wont we?

My way or the highway - Limp bizkit hits the pa system.

This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way
It's my way
My way, or the highway

Justin Kash comes walking out from behind the curtain. He has a nice white suit on and a clip board in his hand. Kash walks down the ramp and rolls into the ring. Kash then raises his arms up and pyro shoots up from around the ring. Kash grabs a mic.

Justin Kash: Welcome everybody to the first event for NLWF West! I know some of you may be dissapointed or confused about the rumble. But trust me it will fill the whole show. I'm gonna start off the show with my segment Cold Hard Kash! Tonight is gonna be a short one but let's roll the footage!

Rossi enters the building. He's walking to his office. He passes the food table and enters his office which is strangely right next to the food table.

Rossi: Right where I ordered the food to be.

Rossi then opens the his office door and throws his bag in his office. He doesn't even attempt to look and see Kash is inside. Rossi then goes to the food table and grabs 6 hot dogs and a soda. Rossi then grabs mustard and puts it on his hot dogs. Rossi then shoves half the hot dog in his mouth as he enters his office.

The footage stops playing. The crowd erupts into laughter.

Justin Kash: Now are you serious? And they appointed him GM...I have a $100 say that all the food is gone  minutes into the rumble. Justin Kash drops the mic and heads backstage.

><><>< Rigged for Break-up ><><><

Rossi is sitting in his chair when his phone rings.

Rossi: Hello?

Kash: Hey man. It's kash. I got a question. How in the hell did the whole Asylum team get 1,2, and 3?

Rossi: I rigged it. I made them beilive that they where picking a letter for the entry. But instead that was only to trick them. No matter what they would have picked they would of got 1,2, and 3.

Kash: Why the hell would you do that? What about the rest of the roster how did you decide that?

Rossi: My plan is to break The Asylum up. I will acheive this no matter what I have to do. Oh and about the rest of the roster, there numbers where randomized.

Kash: I see dude. You better hope The Asylum doesn't find out.

Rossi: How are they gonna find out? The only people that know are me and you.

Kash: I don't know man. Anyways I got shit to do.

Kash hangs up the phone and Rossi goes back to eating his hot dogs.

><><>< The informant ><><><

Havoc and the rest of The Asylum are in Havocs locker room. There all talking about the rumble when Havocs phone rings. Havoc picks up.

Havoc: Hey man whats up?

Kash: Rossi rigged the rumble. He planned for you and your teamate to be numbers 1,2, and 3.

Havoc: Really? How did you find out?

Kash: I just got off the phone with rossi right now.

Havoc: I see

Kash: Look I know you had other plans after the rumble, but I wan't you to do something else. You'll get....

Havoc: Hold on Kash.

Havoc then passes the phone to Death Angel. Havoc clotheslines the camera guy. Havoc then throws the camera guy out. Havoc picks up the camera looks into it and then throws it against the wall.

13 man royal rumble

John Griffyn: Now we will start the rumble. This match is for the Universal Heavyweight championship title. Two superstars will start in the ring. Every 2 minutes another superstar will enter. The only way to get eliminated is to be thrown over the top rope and you feet land on the floor. Making hiw way to the ring first. weighing in 420 pounds. He is 7'9". From parts Unknown.He is 1/2 of the tag team champions! He is the career killer! He is DEATH ANGEL!

Enjoy the Silence plays and Death Angel walks out to the ring slowly staring right at his next victim.

Joey Griffyn: Making his way to the ring second. weighing in 365 pounds. He is 7'8". From parts Unknown. He is 1/2 of the tag team champions! He is the messanger of Hell! He is the leader of The Asylum! HAVOC!

The lights are dark. Duality - Slipknot hits the pa system. The lights flicker. Lightning strikes the stage. A flash goes off. Havoc appears on the stage when the light turn on. Havoc walks down the ramp. Havoc cimbs into the ring. Havoc puts his hands in the air as fire surounds the ring. A few minutes later the lights flicker and when they come back on the fire is gone.

The bell rings. Havoc and Death Angel are just starring at each other. They look at the titatron to see the two minue clock start counting down. Both Havoc and Death Angel shake hands. They start talking. The crowd starts booing the look at the clock. 1 minute left. Death Angel goes for a clotheline. Havoc ducks! German Suplex! Havoc yells " Shouldn't of tried to strike me" Death Angel gets back to his feet. Death Angel throws a right hand at Havoc and lands it. Havoc follows through with a left hand followed by a right upper cut. Havoc then throws Death Angel against the ropes. Spinbuster! 10 second left. Havoc stands back and waits for Shadow Demon to come out. The crowd starts counting down. Death Angel gets back to his feet.

The arena lights go off as the intro to "Left Behind" plays. Shadow Demon walks out and pauses. When the intro finishes he raises his hands as pyro's go off on either side of him. He walks slowly down the ramp and climbs in the ring.

Shadow Demon runs at Havoc and lands a spinning heel kick. Shadow Demon then runs at Death Angel. Enziguri! Havoc begins to get back to his feet. Shadow Demon and Havoc tie up. But Death Angel gets back up and grabs Shadow Demon in a german suplex form. Havoc bounces off the ropes clothesline to Shadow Demon and Death Angel follows with a german suplex. Death Angel then looks at havoc. Death Angel goes for a dropkick but Havoc moves out of the way. Havoc then grabs Death Angel and hits a snap suplex! The clock hits zero and the next superstar makes his way down.

As the opening elements of "Mr. Brownstone" by Guns N' Roses fill the air in the arena, the lights go out completely for a moment. Then, a lone blue spotlight shines on the entrance stage, illuminating the personage of Frank 'The Lion" Hart, who stands motionless in his wrestling gear, as if basking in the light of a blue sun. Aside from his gear, he wears a black custom-made robe, beset with pink jewels about the breast and shoulders, trimmed in pink feathers. The light come back up, and he moves toward the ring as the music continues to play, taking his time, absorbing the response from the crowd, which is a mixture of boos and cheers. He then runs to the ring.

All three members of The Asylum are now back on there feet. Frank Hart stairs each of them down. The Asylum then rushes Frank Hart. They bring him to the ground and start stomping on him. Havoc then picks Frank Hart and tries a Havoc Bomb. Frank hart punches havoc in the head while in the air but it doesn't work. Hurricanna! By Frank Hart. Shadow Demon with a flying clothesline! Death Angel then puts Frank Hart into a crippler crossface. Frank Hart screams in pain as The other two members stomp on the back of his knees. The clock gets down to zero the three members let go of Frank Hart. Frank Hart rolls underneath the bottom rope and out of the ring.

Lights Go Out, when they come back on Saint is standing in the center of the ring

Saint is now surrounded by The asylum. Saint runs for havoc but Havoc clotheslines Saint. Havoc then leans against the turnbuckle taking a breather. Shadow Demon and Death Angel then pick up Saint. The throw Saint against the ropes. Double Spinebuster! Death Angel then picks Saint up. Death Angel then lifts Saint up in a chokslam style. Death Angel walks over to the ropes and chokeslams Saint out of the ring eliminating him from the rumble. Shadow Demon then runs up behind Death Angel and tries to eliminate him. But it was unseccesfull. Shadow demon landed on the apron. Shadow Demon then comes to try and push Death Angel off but Death Angel shoulders Shadow Demon in the stomach. SPEAR! By Havoc. Death Angel gets back into the ring. The clock hits zero and another superstar makes his way to the ring.

The arena lights go off as the intro to "goodbye" plays. Jack Harvey walks out and looks out into the crowd. He then continually walks down the ramp and pauses again to get another glimpse at the crowd. He Then flips them the bird. He finally makes it down to the ring

Both Death Angel and Havoc run at Jack Harvey as soon as he enters. Double Clothesline! Causing him to go over the top rope and eliminated. Shadow Demon now back at his feet. Shadow Demon sneaks up behins Death Angel. Reverse DDT! By Shadow Demon! Frank Hart then enters the ring again. Havoc runs for a big boot. Frank Hart ducks. Dragon Sleeper on Havoc. But it's quickly broken up by Shadow Demon. Shadow Demon now tied up with Frank Hart. Shadow Demon hits a powerslam. Death Angel runs at Shadow Demon. But Havoc saves him by clotheslining Death Angel. Frank Hart is back to his feet but is quickly dropped to the floor by a double suplex from Havoc and Shadow Demon. Havoc and Shadow Demon shake hands. Death Angel gets back to his feet. Shadow Demon turns around to face Death Angel. Death Angel with a chokeslam backbreaker. Death Angel gets ontop of Shadow Demon and starts giving him rights and lefts. Meanwhile Havoc has Frank Hart in a Texas Cloverleaf. Frank Hart is screaming as the clock hits zero and again another superstar makes his way down.

The lights dim, heavy mist filling the ramp as strobe lights begin to pulse slowly. A steady bass throb begins, growing in volume, sounding much like a heartbeat. A single gunshot shatters the silence, followed by mocking laughter and Jackson's voice hurling insults before the music skips, and then the sounds of 'Lies' by Evanescence filters through the speakers. Dark red strobes pulsate on the entranceway, and a dark figure moves among them, stepping forward as indigo fountains of pyrotechnic spark either side of him. He strides forwards, ignoring the crowd reaction. He circles the ring once, his eyes steady, a look of angry concentration on his face, before ascending the ring steps and climbing between the ropes.

Havoc wastes now time and lets go of Frank Hart. Havoc goes for a clothesline but Jackson ducks and follows with a T-Bone suplex. Death Angel then gets off of Shadow Demon and drop kicks Jackson in the back of the knee. Death Angel then grabs Jackson and hits a Torture Rack DDT. Shadow Demon now back to his feet. Shadow demon grabs Death Angel and throws him into the turnbuckle. Frank Hart gets back to his feet. Shadow Demon grabs Frank Hart and throws him to the ropes. Frank Hart comes bouncing back and Death Angel hits a powerslam. Havoc then hits a bulldog on Shadow Demon. Havoc then runs at Death Angel and clotheslines him. Jackson now back on his feet. Frank Hart get up but is quickly brought back down by Jackson with a swinging DDT! Shadow Demon now back to his feet. Jackson ties up with Shadow Demon as Havoc puts Death Angel into a texas cloverleaf. Tiger Suplex! By Shadow Demon. Frank Hart gets up but Shadow Demon grabs and throws him over the ropes eliminating him from the rumble. The clock hits zero and the next superstar is ready to make his way down to the ring.

The melodic riffs of "Karma Police" by Radiohead begin to fill the arena. The lights turn an eerie shade of blue as Cipher slowly walks out onto the stage, adjusting his MMA-style gloves. He is wearing all-black, including a long black trench coat, black jeans, boots and matching sunglasses. He begins his slow walk down to the ring and casually strolls up the ring steps, dipping under the bottom rope to enter the ring.

Cipher turns his attention to Havoc. Dropkick him in the face releasing Death Angel from the painful Texas Cloverleaf. Death Angel gets back to his feet. Death angel runs up behind Shadow Demon. Death Angel hits a roll up pin forgetting it's a rumble. Jacks stomps on Death Angel. Jackson then picks Shadow Demon up and throws him into the turnbuckle. Jackson then puts Death Angel into an STF. Meanwhile Havoc and Cipher are brawling it out. Havoc hits a right then follows by throwing Cipher over the rope. Cipher lands on the apron. Havoc grabs Cipher and suplex's him back into the ring! Havoc then big boots Jackson realeasing Shadow Demon from the STF. Death Angel comes running at Havoc. Gut Buster!! By Havoc. Cipher comes running at Havoc and Havoc throws him over the ropes eliminating him from the rumble. Jackson is left with the 3 members of The Asylum. The countdown clock reads 30 seconds. Shadow Demon picks Jackson up. Shadow Demon throws him to havoc who big boots Jackson. Blood starts pooring from Jacksons forhead as he lays there motionless on the mat. The clock reaches zer and The Asylum get ready for the next rumble entry.

Fa-Fa-Fa hits and Joshua walks out onto the top of the ramp and pumps his fist into his opposite hand. He makes his way down the ramp and slides into the ring under the ropes.

Unfortunatley sliding under the ropes was a bad idea. All three members are now stomping on American Cobra. Then Death Angel elbows Shadow Demon in the stomach and follows by a DDT. Meanwhile Havoc picks American Cobra up and sets him up for a powerbomb. Havoc lifts him into the air and powerbombs him out of the ring eliminating American Cobra from the rumble. Havoc then german suplex's Death Angel. Havoc picks Shadow Demon up then walks over to Jackson. Havoc picks Jackson up. RKO! By Havoc. Meanwhile Shadow Demon is stomping on Death Angel. Death Angel rolls under the bottom rope and out of the ring. Shadow Demon rolls under the bottom rope and follows Death Angel. Shadow Demon grabs Death Angel and goes to Irish whip him into the steel steps but it's reversed! Shadow Demon goes flying into the steel steps. Death Angel then hits a missile dropkick to the face of Shadow Demon. Death Angel grabs Shadow Demon and slides him into the ring. Meanwhile Havoc has Jackson on his shoulders. F-5!! The clock reaches zero again and a new opponent is ready to comeout.

Nightsoul comes out does punches in air with kick and walks to ring fighting the air gets to ring and summer salts in ring.

Shadow Demon catches Nightsoul in a powerbomb position while Nightsoul was doing the summer salt. Shadow Demon then Powerbombs Nightsoul out of the ring. Jackson gets back to his feet. While Death Angel grabs Havoc and throws him between the turnbuckle causing Havoc's shoulder to hit the ring post. Jackson sneaks up behind Death Angel. Jackson throws Death Angel over the ropes!! Death Angel has been eliminated. Jackson then grabs Havoc and throws him into the ropes but Havoc comes back to deliver a clothesline to Jackson. Shadow Demon then walks over to Jackson and picks him up. SHADOW CRUSHER! NO! REVERSED! Shadow Demon goes bouncing off the ropes Havoc gets infront of him. SPINEBUSTER! Jackson is up on his feet. Jackson ties up with Havoc. Piledrive by Jackson. Shadow Demon gets back to his feet. Springboard DDT! From Jackson. Jackson the only one standing while the clock hits zero and the next rumble entry is on his way.

The Lights in the arena dim as Saliva's Superstar comes blaring out of the speakers. Just then, smoke blares out of the stage, making it hard for anybody to see who is coming out. But once the smoke clears, it reveals to be King Hardcore as the fans explode with cheers for him. We see various signs for him, such as "The King of Hardcore," and other various King Hardcore logos. He makes his way down the ramp, stopping a few feet from the ring, he pauses, then rushes towards the ring and sliding under the ropes as he quickly jumps back up to his feet in quick fashion.

King Hardocre quickly rolls out underneath the bottom rope out of the ring. He takes a look under the ring and grabs a steal chair. King Hardcore slides back in but jacks runs at him stomping on King Hardcores head. Jackson then lifts King Hardcore up and hits a gorilla press slam. Havoc is back to his feet. Shadow Demon is back to his feet. Double chop block to Jackson from Havoc and Shadow Demon. Shadow Demon picks up the steel chair. King Hardcore gets back to his feet. Shadow Demon slams the steel chair into the skull of King Hardcore. Shadow Demon then tries to do the same to Havoc but Havoc ducks. BIG BOOT! Right into the steel chair causing it to go back into Shadow Demons face. Blood starts to drip fron Shadow Demons skull. Shadow Demon still standing Havoc runs hits hits a swinging neckbreaker. Jackson now back on his feet. Both Jackson and Havoc tie up. This time Havoc gains the upperhand and hits a powerful jackknife powerbomb onto the steel chair. Jackson holds his back in pain screaming. King Hardcore makes it back to his feet but is quickly thrown over the top ropes by Havoc. King Hardcore is eliminated from the rumble. Shadow Demon gets back to his feet just in time for the next person to come out.

Big Time by Peter Gabriel starts playing and we see Barney Green appear to a few cheers. He does a few taunts and starts to walk down the ramp. He slips and goes rolling down the ramp. He hits the ring and gets back up and climbs into the ring.

Shadow Demon hits a flying dropkick on Barney Green. Shadow Demon continues with a Sharpshooter. It's quickly broken up by Havoc who grabs Shadow Demon by the face and throws him against the turnbuckle. Havoc then starts to give Shadow Demon shots to the ribs. Havoc then suplex's Shadow Demon right onto Barney Green. Jackson now up to his feet. Jackson low blows Havoc. Jackson then picks Barney Green up. SOMETHING WICKED! Jackson then runs at Shadow Demon who is now back to his feet. Swinging neckbreaker! Havoc gets back to his feet. Havoc grabs Jackson. Electric chair drop!! Barney Green gets back to his feet. Havoc clothesline Barney Green out of the ring causing him to be eliminated. The clock hits zero and the final person is ready to come out.

The crowd is going crazy with mixed reactions but mostly cheers as the lights start glowing and flashing white and red while "Blow" by LAtreyu starts bursting through the speakers. A tall dark figure wearing a White and Blue hooded tee shirt slowly makes his way up through the stage via stage lift as a strong white light glows from under him, showing him as a silhouette to the crowd. The figure has his head down and slowly looks up before turning around into the limelight and brushing the hood off his head, revealing it to be the Iceman, Keith Cunningham. Keith then looks around at the crowd with a stone cold stare on his face as he looks around at the fans in the arena. He then goes to the center of the ramp and cocks his head up in the air as if smelling fresh blood, causing red pyro to go off behind him. He then starts his way down the ramp and continues to stare dead into the ring with intensity that no one can read from his face as some of the fans try to get him to shake their hand. Getting himself into his business stature, he starts staring around with an evil statuesque glare, getting more and more fired up before charging straight to the ring.

Jackson is back to his feet. Iceman goes straight for Jackson. They start brawling it out. Shadow Demon gets back to his feet. Havoc looks at Shadow Demon they both shake there heads. Havoc dropkicks Jackson while Shadow Demon dropkicks Iceman. Causing Both Iceman and Jackson to be eliminated. Both Havoc and Shadow Demon are staring at each other when legacy's theme music hits the pa system and Justin Kash walks out to the stage with a mic in his hand.

Justin Kash: Now to make this event run longer. Since where down to the last 2 entries in the rumble. I'm making this a falls count anywhere match! The rumble rules no longer apply. Also that is not all. Whoever wins....After you receive the belt from rossi. Your still not safe. For one night only. As long as the champ is in the building anyone can attack you and pin you 1..2..3 and take the belt from you! Have fun!

Justin Kash heads backstage.

Tommy Matthews: We'll Shadow Demon and Havoc made it to the end of the rumble. Kash comes out here and changes the rules. This will be interesting.

Andrew Bliss: We'll he had to do something. We still have time left. This should get interesting.

Tommy Matthews: Yeah lets hope whoever wins can escape the building tonight with the belt still in there possession.

Andrew Bliss: It's Asylum vs Asylum. Let's see who's the better man.

A referee runs to the ring. Both Havoc and Shadow Demon are starring at eachother. Havoc and Shadow Demon tie up. Havoc throws him against the ropes and runs to clothesline him out of the ring. Havoc climbs to the top turnbuckle. Shadow Demon gets back to his feet but gets knocked down from a flying clothesline from the top turnbuckle. Havoc grabs Shadow Demon by the head and picks him up. Havoc brings Shadow Demon to the announcers table. Havoc goes to smash Shadow Demon's face into the announcers table but Shadow Demon puts his hand out to stop him. Shadow Demon elbows Havoc in the stomach. Shadow Demon follows with a powerslam right through the announcers table. Shadow Demon tries for the early pin. 1....2...KICK OUT! Shadow Demon gets back to his feet. Havoc gets back to his feet. Havoc grabs Shadow Demon and throws him into the barricade. Havoc runs and clotheslines Shadow Demon over the barricade and into where the fans are. Havoc taunts as Shadow Demon gets back to his feet. Havoc grabs him. Suplex back over the barricade by Havoc. Havoc picks Shadow Demon up but it's reversed. Shadow Demon with an elbow to the stomach of Havoc. Shadow Demon then grabs Havocs head and smashes it against the ring post. Shadow Demon then rolls Havoc back into the ring. Shadow Demon slides into the ring. Shadow Demon applies a boston crab onto Havoc. Havoc is in pain. The ref asks if he wants to quit. Havoc denies and manages to reverse it causing Shadow Demon to flip and land on the mat. Havoc gets back to his feet. Shadow Demon quickly gets back to his feet. Shadow Demon tries a Flying Clothesline but Havoc catches him and hits a spinebuster! Havoc then tries for a pin. 1...2....3? NO! Shadow Demon kicks out at 2 and a half. Havoc gets angry with the ref. Havoc slides under the ropes and looks under the ring. Shadow Demon gets back to his feet. Havoc pulls out a table. Shadow Demon runs. Cross body! Both Havoc and Shadow Demon lay there for about 4 minutes before either one gets up. Havoc gets up first. Followed by Shadow Demon getting up. Havoc throws a right hand causing Shadow Demon to fall to the ground. Havoc then grabs Shadow Demon by the head and picks him up. Havoc then drags Shadow Demon up to the stage. Havoc then sets Shadow Demon up for a chokeslam. Shadow Demon reverses and kickes Havoc in the gut. Shadow Crusher!! NO! Reversed! Havoc Bomb! Havoc is laying on the ground unable to make the pin. Shadow Demon is just laying there. Death Angel comes out from the stage and drags Havoc's arm over Shadow Demons. The ref makes the pin. 1...2...3!

Tommy Matthews: Wow what a match. Havoc came out on top and is the new universal champion.

Andrew Bliss: Pfft....Death Angel helped him. Shadow Demon deserves a 1 on 1 match for that built.

Tommy Matthews: He'll get it. At war games. If Havoc manages to escape here alive.

Rossi and the whole NLWF West roster comes out they make 2 lines up the ramp. Havoc is on the stage. Rossi hands him the title. Havoc clotheslines Rossi and begins to run for his life. The whole roster follows. Some of them even taking short cuts. Meanwhile Shadow Demon and and Death Angel stay behind.

><><>< Business Taken Care of ><><><

Shadow Demon and Death Angel are beating down rossi.

Shadow Demon: You wanna rig the damn rumble?

Death Angel: You wanna put us 1..2...and 3 and try to break us up?

Shadow Demon: This is what you get.

Death Angel: Pain and torture!

Shadow Demon picks Rossi up and hits the Shadow Crusher. Death Angel then goes behind the curtain and then comes back out with a barbed wire baseball bat. Death Angel strikes Rossi in the stomach then follows with a shot to the head. Death Angel drops the bat then hits a Enter The Darkness. Shadow Demon and Death Angel then walk backstage leaving Rossi in a bloody mess.

><><>< The great escape ><><><

Havoc is running for his life when Jackson appears out of no where. Jackson hits Havoc with a steel chair. Jackson pins Havoc. A ref comes running. 1...2...3. Jackson takes the belt he tries running but Havoc grabs his foot and trips him. Havoc takes a steel pipe from the corner of the room. Havoc smashes it into Jackson's skull twice and then drops the pipe. Havoc then picks Jackson up. HAVOC BOMB! Havoc pins Jackson 1..2...3. Havoc takes his belt back and begins to run. Havoc gets into the parking lot where Frank Hart attacks him from behind. Frank Hart grabs Havoc and throws him into the wall. Frank Hart comes running at Havoc but Havoc grabs him by the throat. Have then hits a chokeslam and continues to run. Havoc enters his limo. The limo begins to drive but comes to a sudden stop 2 seconds later when Havoc gets thrown out of the limo. Shadow Demon then steps out of the limo. Havoc stands up. Both Havoc and Shadow Demon are starring each other in the eyes.

Havoc: Arn't you suppose to be taking care of business?

Shadow Demon: I already have... Now I'm here to take whats rightfully mine.

Havoc: No matter what happens here The Asylum will still stand strong.

Shadow Demon: of course this is just a fight for the one thing that matters most in this business.

Havoc runs at Shadow Demon. Havoc spears Shadow Demon into the limo. Havoc grabs Shadow Demon by the face and knees him in the head. Shadow Demon falls to the floor covering his face. Havoc climbs up top the limo roof. Shooting star press! NO! Shadow Demon moved out of the way. Havoc lays on the concrete floor unconscious. Shadow Demon rolls Havoc over and covers. 1..2....3? NO! Havoc manages to kick out some how. Shadow Demon picks Havoc up. Havoc reverses with a strong elboq to the gut. DDT! Both men then lay on the floor unconscious. Havoc is first to make a move and gets to his feet. Shadow Demon gets up slowly. Havoc hits him with big boot! Shadow Demon falls straight to the floor. Havoc tries a cover. 1...2...3? NO! Shadow Demon manages to kick out. Havoc stands back to his feet. Death Angel comes running out of no where and hits Havoc in the back with a steel chair. Havoc falls to the floor. Death Angel goes for the cover. 1...2...3? NO! Kick out. Shadow Demon gets back to his feet. Shadow Crusher!!! On Death Angel. Havoc gets back to his feet. Shadow Demon turns around Havoc Bomb!!!! Havoc quickly then gets into the limo. The limo then quickly speeds out of the arena with Havoc and the belt in it.

Rossi is seen being put on a stretcher the screen fades. Words appear. It says coming soon.... Knife to know you!

No Limit Wrestling Federation
Created by NLWF Management
Copyright 2009

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